Wednesday, September 27, 2017


Weeks ago a simple tweet caught my attention. The content of the tweet isn't important, but the subtle tool the universe used to speak has put a book at my fingertips, a football player in perspective and a movie depicting historical events on my must see list.

These three, and possibly more to come, random subject matters are all speaking a unified message. It is amazing how random these things, events and people are yet the universe has managed to amplify the commonalty each shares and its relevance, specifically to me.

I'm still listening and deciphering the message the universe is currently speaking, but had I ignored that nudge, that that tweet conjured in my being, I wouldn't be able to hear the symmetry of randomness. It's an amazing sound! It's like listening to your favorite song for the first time. That wonderful thrill of hearing something so perfect, makes you want to listen over and over again.

The point is life is always talking, but we are not always listening. Paying attention to the little, seemingly unimportant things that get our attention, can lead to phenomenal discoveries.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

I Wonder

When I read W.E.B Du Bois, James Baldwin and Richard Wright, I am able to grasp life through their experience.

A place and time that is very different from my own, yet somehow still resonates in my experiences of 2017.

Times have changed, people have changed, life for the average African-American has changed yet somehow that color line that supposedly disappeared still exists.

I wonder if one day we will every truly live in a color blind world. I wonder if anyone, even myself can really see through my color. My beautiful, my controversial, my identifying color?